Where’s Waldo, WPPI Style: Find Craft, Clementi, Pick up Prizes

Free products given away WPPI
Justin Craft: Find this guy at 11 a.m. at WPPI, and get free stuff.

LexJet account specialists Justin Craft and Michael Clementi are currently roaming the floor at the big portrait and wedding photography trade show in Las Vegas, WPPI 2011. Here’s the deal, and let me be clear…

Find Justin and Michael at the show at the times and places below and today you might pick up some free stuff and fantastic deals:

WPPI find Michael Clementi LexJet
Michael Clementi: Find this guy at 2 p.m. at WPPI and get free stuff.

We look forward to seeing you at the show and we’ll let you know where and when the Where’s Waldo giveaways are at tomorrow’s version of WPPI tomorrow morning.