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Where They Are Now: Dimpled Rock and the Fine Art of Golf

When you focus on a specific market you’re subject to its whims and cycles. In order to weather whatever storms that may batter that particular market you have to be flexible and creative. Dimpled Rock, a company that specializes in golf course photography, has done just that. We first profiled Dimpled Rock about five years ago in the In Focus eNewsletter as the business was first starting to take off. With figurative economic storms and literal storms, like Hurricane Sandy, Dimpled Rock’s Gary Kellner says the photography side of the business has been stagnant as of late. “The general economic conditions at some of the golf clubs have had an impact on our photography. We had also focused our efforts on New England and Sandy pretty much devastated the landscape in a lot of areas. They’re losing trees and having to re-do their bunkers, so they’re not ready to have their courses photographed until they can get them back in shape,” explains Kellner. However, the print production side...

How To Video: Canvas Corner Folding Options

When using the Canvas Stretch Master or Studio Canvas Master, there are a number of different options for folding canvas corners. Three of them are: Gift-wrap fold: the easiest and fastest of the three folds. Straight-edge fold: Tends to be neater but takes a little bit longer than the gift-wrap fold. Alternate straight-edge fold: Takes the longest amount of time due to trimming off excess canvas in the corners before stretching but tends to be the neatest of the three folds. In the video embedded below, learn how to make three different canvas corner folds. To learn more about the Canvas Stretch Master and Studio Canvas Master, you can check out these videos: Canvas Stretch Master Demonstration Studio Canvas Master Demonstration

On Target with Inkjet Canvas Reproductions Benefitting Wounded Veterans

Amanda Crow, who owns a PostNet store in Norfolk, Va., knows the value of teamwork. She’s part of a team dedicated to honoring the 74 Naval Special Warfare members who have fallen in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as another team helping out Purple Heart recipients called Wounded Wear.