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Learn How to Get More From Your Wide-Format Inkjet Printer

At PhotoPlus Expo, which opens Oct. 22 in New York, many sessions will help photography professionals adapt to the changing economics of the photography business. Some sessions will explain how to branch out into new fields such as weddings, portraiture, cinematography, or fine-art photography. Other sessions will talk about different marketing channels and techniques, including websites, social networks, personal branding, photo books, and selling stock direct. It will be a very timely conference, and I expect to return with many new ideas and sources of helpful information. Many of the business diversification and marketing themes at PhotoPlus Expo dovetail nicely with the content I’m developing for future issues of LexJet’s In Focus newsletter. If you’re not familiar with In Focus, check out the current issue and explore the archives. One of the main editorial goals of In Focus is to help photography professionals find ways to generate new revenues, especially by doing more with...

Photographer’s Banner Helps Honor War Veterans

At LexJet, we like when customers send us images of all the different types of projects they’ve created using different types of LexJet materials on their wide-format inkjet printers. It is especially gratifying to see the many different ways that photographers are using LexJet materials and wide-format inkjet printers to support community events and charities. Professional photographer John Eblen, of PhotoSolutions Co. in Akron, OH, recently sent us this photo, showing a banner he had created at the request of organizers of the “Welcome Home Cleveland” celebration that was held in August to welcome home all active-duty military personnel, Reservists and National Guard members who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a veteran himself, Eblen had offered to help with the event any way that he could. He says that, “When they called and said they needed a last-minute banner to thank sponsors and donors, I knew it was right up my alley. He printed the banner on LexJet TOUGHcoat...