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Prints that Win: Rainy Day in Tuscany

Christine Cook likes to shoot in the rain for two reasons: the lighting it can create and that it allows her to capture moments others likely won’t capture because of the rain.

A Recipe for Décor Printing at Avant Printing

Expert in décor printing (and every other type of wide-format printing), Avant Printing, Richmond, Calif., has found the perfect recipe for wall-mounted décor graphics for educational, government and corporate clients.

Where They Are Now: Dimpled Rock and the Fine Art of Golf

When you focus on a specific market you’re subject to its whims and cycles. In order to weather whatever storms that may batter that particular market you have to be flexible and creative. Dimpled Rock, a company that specializes in golf course photography, has done just that. We first profiled Dimpled Rock about five years ago in the In Focus eNewsletter as the business was first starting to take off. With figurative economic storms and literal storms, like Hurricane Sandy, Dimpled Rock’s Gary Kellner says the photography side of the business has been stagnant as of late. “The general economic conditions at some of the golf clubs have had an impact on our photography. We had also focused our efforts on New England and Sandy pretty much devastated the landscape in a lot of areas. They’re losing trees and having to re-do their bunkers, so they’re not ready to have their courses photographed until they can get them back in shape,” explains Kellner. However, the print production side...

Prints that Win: He Has Arrived

Julia Kelleher, owner of Jewel Images in Bend, Ore., says she initially struggled with this composition, entitled He Has Arrived, but decided not to worry so much about the end result and plow ahead with her concept. The result was a 100 score and a LexJet Sunset Award in the Master Artist category at the PPA Western District print competition held in late August. “We get so stifled during the creative process because we’re scared the outcome won’t be what we want it to be. Instead, we should be going back to our childhood way of thinking and just have fun with it. Obviously I care what the final product it is, but I finally said to myself, ‘Let’s try it and see what happens,’ which allowed me to be more creative and produce the end result I was looking for,” says Kelleher. “For the longest time I was scared to enter that category because I didn’t think I was technically sound enough to do it. When the pieces started coming together, however, it was technically sound and it looks...

Home Improvement with a Canvas Gallery Wrap Collage

One of the most important things you can do from a sales and marketing standpoint, particularly in our obviously visual market, is to show potential clients how they can display their images.

Prints that Win: Evil Eyes

The title of this print that won a LexJet Sunset Award at the Florida PPA conference this past year likely caught your attention. Sometimes a title gives you an impression that’s different than your expectation before you actually see the image, which can boost the impact it makes.