Dan Berg Offers Hands-On Instruction in Finishing Canvas Prints

If you want to learn how to convert images printed on canvas into ready-to-hang prints, contact Dan Berg to schedule a full-day of one-on-one, hands-on instruction. Whether you simply want to convert a few of your own images into wall art or create high-quality canvas prints for sale to others, Dan can show you how to:

  • Process the image specifically for printing on canvas;
  • Select the right canvas for the specific image you want to print;
  • Choose the correct print settings on a 24-in. Epson Stylus Pro7900 and 44-in Epson Stylus Pro 9900 inkjet printer;
  • Use a roller or spray gun to evenly apply a coating that protects the canvas from UV light and moisture;
  • Cut and assemble stretcher frames for panoramic or custom-size prints;
  • Gallery wrap canvas by hand or machine;
  • Mount canvas to Gatorboard; and
  • Make the print look more like a painting or achieve special artistic effects by brushing on clear acrylics.

Prints from Keepsake Canvas Are Hand-Crafted, Not Mass-Produced

In the race to grow the market for photo canvas prints, some companies have pursued a high volume/low-price strategy. As a result, some photo canvases look and feel as if they have been manufactured on an assembly line—without much regard to the specific characteristics and nuances of the photograph itself. Some companies cut corners on canvas prints by using lower-quality print materials, stretcher bars, and finishing products.

LexJet customer Pat Walsh of Keepsake Canvas in New Brighton, MN is taking a different approach. As a photographer himself, he understands that one reason people are attracted to photos on canvas is that they want something that looks and feels like heirloom art. That’s why he pays close attention to the color accuracy and consistency of each image and small details in every phase of the production, finishing, stretching, and shipping process.

Like most producers of canvas prints, Keepsake Canvas uses inkjet printers with pigment inks that will last more than 100 years when the prints are properly finished and displayed. He also uses high-quality printing materials from LexJet, including LexJet Sunset Select Matte Canvas.