Meet the Winner of the Shine On! Print Contest: Ryan Joseph | LexJet Blog

Meet the Winner of the Shine On! Print Contest: Ryan Joseph

At LexJet, we know that every great picture not only tells a story, but also has a story behind it. So we’re asking winners of the Shine On! Print Contest to tell us more about the stories behind the winning prints. Today, we’re pleased to introduce Best in Show Winner Ryan Joseph.

Like many well-trained artists, photographer Ryan Joseph of Ryan Joseph Photographics of Tampa, FL instinctively knows that not every image looks equally good on every type of print media.  For his particular style of photography (which is inspired by the master photographers of the 1930s and ‘40s), Ryan typically gravitates toward papers with the classic look and feel of the fiber papers he used in the darkroom. So, he had never printed many images on a metallic paper before.  Nor had he entered any print contests.


But when Ryan called his LexJet account rep Michael Clementi to order some inkjet paper, Michael told him about the Shine On! Print Contest and the opportunity to win one of three Apple iPads or a new Canon iPF 6300 printer. The primary stipulation was that all entries be printed on LexJet Sunset Photo Metallic paper.

So Ryan found two images in his archives that he thought might benefit from the underlying ultra-glossy metallic sheen of the Sunset Photo Metallic paper. He believed the paper might add some extra zing to images with sharp contrasts and bold, vibrant colors.

One of his two entries—entitled America?—was not only judged the best in the Wedding/Portrait category of the competition (winning Ryan the Apple iPad that he coveted) but was also selected as Best in Show. As a result, Ryan Joseph is also receiving a brand-new 24-in Canon imagePROGRAF iPF6300.

A graduate of the renowned photography program at the College of Fine Arts at Ohio University, Ryan Joseph shoots with both film and digital cameras. (In fact, he just bought a new film camera.) He feels fortunate to have spent plenty of time in the darkroom in the early 1990s, both at college and while working as a photographic assistant in commercial studios in New York for three years.

Ryan moved to Tampa in 1995 and now shoots about 20 weddings and 100 portrait sessions each year for clients who appreciate his ability to blend digital technologies with traditional techniques to create images that are not only contemporary but timeless.  He has traveled to Africa and is also interested in editorial and fine-art projects.

Ryan captured the Best-in-Show image digitally on one of those days when he had the luxury of just being able to go out and shoot for the sheer joy of it. He was wandering on the Gandy Bridge Beach when he says, “I noticed this couple and asked if I could photograph them.” He had hoped to include their three-year-old daughter in the portrait, but said the little girl wanted nothing to do with it. So he simply shot the couple.

He spent about an hour editing the image before he printed it and output it onto Sunset Photo Metallic Paper on his Canon iPF8000 printer.

For most jobs, Ryan prefers to limit his use of Photoshop. He is troubled by the tendency of some photographers to rely on automated Photoshop actions to “fix” images without much understanding of what makes each image special. As an artist with a strong sense of his own style and an appreciation for classic film photography, he believes that just because you can do certain things with image-editing software doesn’t mean you must.

At LexJet, we know Ryan Joseph probably won’t be ordering Sunset Photo Metallic Paper on a regular basis. Still, we are happy that he entered and provided a stellar example of what great prints can be produced when you match the right image with the right print media.

Being able to artistically enhance a photograph by choosing to print it on different types of print surfaces has been one of the biggest benefits of the digital imaging/inkjet photo printing revolution.

So enjoy the Apple iPad, Ryan, and let us know what you think of your new Canon iPF 6300 printer with the all new LUCIA EX inkset. (We think you’re going to love it!)

To see more of Ryan’s exceptional photography, visit

Since 1994, LexJet has helped tens of thousands of business owners, photographers, artists, and designers prosper by helping them select the best digital-printing equipment, materials, software, and finishing systems for their operations.

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