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A Pleasurable Trip to the Orthodontist, really? A Customer Experience Worth Sharing | LexJet Blog

Written by John Lane | Aug 19, 2010 4:00:00 AM

Customer service is more than just a clever slogan or a marketing campaign. It’s the personal interaction between a company and a customer. The key to fantastic customer service is going above and beyond for every customer. As all parents like to do from time to time, we are going to live vicariously through my eight year old daughter for this week’s outstanding customer experience.

The situation…

My 8 year old daughter learned during her last trip to the dentist that it was necessary to visit an orthodontist.  The fear sets in and the questions begin.  Will it hurt?  How will I eat?  What will I eat?  How long will it take?  Why did daddy wear braces and his teeth are still not perfect?

The first visit to the orthodontist…

The initial entrance to the office gave us and our daughters a positive feeling.  A TV with kids shows, a game room, complimentary bottled water and floor to ceiling windows with views to the perfectly designed garden, bird feeders and local wildlife wandering the grounds.  Reflecting on my first visit to the orthodontist, this is far from what I had expected.

Now comes the introduction and from the first moment the doctor and nurse made my daughter feel like she was the most important person on the planet.  Questions were asked, expectations were set and the conversation was between doctor and patient, not doctor and parent.  Photos were taken.  Results were explained to my daughter, and younger sister was even brought into the consultation.  You want to talk about comfort for my oldest daughter?  Parents know what the situation is, oldest daughter knows exactly what to expect and trusted sister is involved in the conversation.  It’s so good that the insertion of spacers and expanders becomes a great story to share with friends and family!

Two days later, my oldest daughter received a hand written note in the mail from the nurse thanking her for selecting their office, for helping during the visit, expressing their good fortune in having a patient like her and asking her to call anytime with questions or concerns.

The second visit…

Reality sets in and it’s time to have the spacers removed and expander inserted.  The second visit started where the last visit ended, friendly with a personal focus.  The doctor showed and explained the custom fitted expander, what it would do and how it would be inserted.  Test fit, glue applied and appliance installed.  Show Mom how to turn pain wheel and make the first adjustment, we’re in business.  Back home we go.

6:30 pm the next day the doctor calls Mom from his cell phone to make sure everything is going as expected and to see if my daughter needs anything.  An unexpected personal touch…from the doctor.

Two days later, another hand written note mailed to my daughter thanking her for her help, calling her a great patient, wishing her well and signing “You Rock!” …and call me if you have any questions.

To boot, the doctor gave us his cell and home phone numbers, said call 24/7 with any questions or issues and that he would meet us at the office 24/7.

The business…

Now this is a for profit business just like most of us but the experience never once seemed like that was the reason for their existence.  This business existed for us, the customer.  They made my daughter feel important, they gained her trust, they assuaged her fears, they made her feel comfortable and they turned what most of us remember as a bad experience into a good experience.

As a LexJet customer, we hope that you receive the same personal service and positive experience from us; this is our number 1 goal.